The line wrapped around to 40th St with attendees ready to imbibe specialty drinks created by talented mixologists and a night of dancing (mostly drinking!).

Boys looking handsome in schmancy tuxedos.

Floors filled with live performance and multiple cocktail stations.
My favorite sip of the night albeit not a mixed cocktail was Ron Zacapa on the rocks, a 23 year old aged rum. It was my first experience with Ron and he was super smooth.
You can still participate in other Manhattan Cocktail Classic events/ classes held until this Tuesday, May 18th, here.
If the dates are too last minute for you, classes at the Astor Center are always ongoing. Its the official bar for the MCC. I came in this past Sunday to volunteer for the "Official Bar" event and was privileged enough to help in Dale DeGroff's class. My first meal of the day was his margaritas, copa verde (amazing!), Irish coffee, how to make the perfect egg white drinks-- and the list continues. Here's a list of other instructors you can learn from at the Astor Center for future reference!