Adam Aleksander orchestrates mind blowing underground experimental experiences- which he summarizes as "experiential". He goes beyond underground dining and expands into decked out events combining the world of food, art, and dance seamlessly together.
Adam curates his inspirations through separate websites and pop up locations. Adam Aleksander Presents is his fully interactive dinner parties: imagine dressing up and reliving your high school Epic Prom or dancing with France's iconic but ill-fated queen Marie Antoinette at Orsay Restaurant.
Then theres Les Salonnieres , his artist salon, that brings together creative professionals to meet, share and collaborate their work. Adam is the attentive host, you are his guest, and featured panalists of artists entertain and share their wide scopes of talents to you throughout the night.
Last Saturday, August 21, Les Salonnieres provided a trio of artists, speakeasy and supper club with performances and lectures.

Drinks began at 7PM in a LES apartment. From the outside, its nothing extraordinary. Kind of an anti-climatic from the hype I described above no?

But dont be fooled by the facade. Once inside you discover the charm and specialness of this location--a tenement which holds so much history.

Abondoned and left in solitude-- except when Adam throws a party...

Featured Artist: Christina Casey, paints throughout the night. We get to see the progression from start to finish. She will continue to paint at Les Salonnieres as a live experimetal project.

Featured Artist: Brian Quinn of The Noble Rot, a traveling wine saloon, is the principal mixoligist for the night. My favorite for the night was bourbon, grapefruit juice and simple syrup.

Featured Artist: Mike Lee, chef of StudioFeast , (he also collaborates with A Razor A Shiny Knife on the side) served a delicious 4 course meal. Its hard to describe all the flavors--just know that the fellow guests sitting amongst me (model, film scout locator, cocktail enthusiast, etc) licked our plates clean!

Panzanella: Graindaisy Bakery Fiilone/ Heirloom Tomato, Stokes Farm NJ

Salmon Roulade: Sauce Gribiche/ Satur Farms Frisee/ Smoked Okra Pickle. Paired with Ch.Ste. Michelle Dry Riesling-2009 (Riesling apparently is not always sweet!)

Duck Breast: Pea Puree/ Red Lentil/ Demi Glace. Paired with Wellies Pinot Noir, Marlborough 2008.

Corn Flake & Cream: Corn Flake/ Cream/ Apple Donut/ Berry. Paired with Leopardi Brut Cava, Llopart - 2006 (Outdid Donut Plant-- is that possible??)

After dessert, panelists of speakers and performers begin at 830PM.
Featured Artist: Edie Pypers of Edie Art talks us through her progression as an artist. Her art "emanates a certain warmth and happiness". Check out her website/ buy some art to experience the full sensation.

Featured Artist:
(left) Pearl Lin introduces Ferret Laura Lin in an show stopping mini fashion show.(right) Didnt get a chance to catch her name, but 2 words: Belly. Dancing.
Definitely plan on making a whole night out of Adam Aleksander's events. You can also follow him on twitter for his next underground. I hear the next one may be an underground pool party. What....