The James Beard House is a townhouse in West Village turned culinary center for ‘celebrating, preserving, and nurturing America’s culinary heritage and diversity.' A humble front door with a cast iron name plate leads you to the kitchen of James Beard, father of gourmet American-style dining. Inside all the necessities of a full commercial kitchen: Viking stoves, fryers, pots and pans, china dishes, and silverware are available in large quantities, neatly stacked and polished.
The Foundation holds more than 250 events a year.
Last night, the JBF along with Food Bank of New York held a sold out charity event, head count of 85, to celebrate and support all things local and sustainable. Guests were able to walk around, meet and taste hors d'oeuvres prepared by three celebrated and farm dedicated chefs: (left to right) Matt Weingarten—Inside Park, Daniel Eardley-Chesnut, and Shanna Pacifico-Back Forty.
One bin held all the ingredients to Chef Daniel Eardley's menu:
+ Satur Farms Sungold Tomato and Mozzarella Eggs with Basil
+ Valley Foie Gras Torchon with Local Cherries
+ Pancetta Wrapped Rabbit Loin with Liver Mousse and Braised Greens Hudson

Foie Gras--We used a cookie cutter, to form the oval shape of the foie gras. All the fatty leftover pieces were saved to make mousse for another day. The foie gras was then coated generously with cinnamon and sugar, then quickly carmalized by a blow torch. The result was placed on top of a crouton, and topped with a bourbon infused cherry!
>Pancetta--Pancetta wrapped rabbit loin with foie gras-- a true winner. (Left) uncooked, (Right) seared to a crispy brown. Whole kitchen smelled of the salty aroma!
Sometimes pictures, like television can not do the food justice. Visit Chestnut at 271 Smith St, Brooklyn NY 11231, 718.243.0049 to try it for yourself.
**All proceeds were used to purchase farm shares from Roxbury Farm, so members of the Food Bank’s Community Kitchen can have access to fresh fruits and vegetables during the growing season.