Tuesday, March 9

Grand Opening: Vicky & Lysander

What did I get myself into last Friday??? Should I blame Urban Daddy or myself? Maybe myself. (Pout).

I skimmed the mysterious 'dinner party' email from Urban Daddy, mistook the location of Grand Opening as Opening Ceremony and instantly bought my tickets without questions thinking it would be a fashion ala mode night. I totally bypassed key words "interactive" extravagent "evening of frivolity" with "two crazy kids named Vicky and Lysander..."
grand opening
And so this is what we came into...an antique room, seating 12 guests, food catered from Mama's Food Shop and Sugar Sweet Sunshine, and a prayer to start the evening. Yes. We. Held.Hands. Not sure what God we prayed to though.

The group to our left (Emory girls from Long Island), right (advertising folks) and front (new couple) seemed to have read the email, understood the situation and adjusted well into the evening. I on the other hand felt like I had a stick up my ass and could not loosen up to join their high. God, I wish I had been high. Everyone else was laughing. We did shots. But I couldnt help but feel so out of place!
vicky and lysander
There were crazy stories of how Lysander and Vicky met, photoshopped pictures of their adventures via slideshow (a lot of soft porn), amateur tarot card reading, and dancing/ singing on the table. Never a silent moment.

Coincidentally when I was at Brooklyn Bowl last night I bumped into the new couple (Brad and Kyrsten)who sat in front of us, and they had a grand time! But for me, this was one adventure that went waaay over my head. I checked my phone at least 5 times.

If you want the food without the theatrics, check out:
Mama's Food Shop
200 East 3rd Street
New York, NY 10009-7716
(212) 777-4425
(get the fried chicken. use the microwave and bring your own beer)
Sugar Sweet Sunshine Bakery
126 Rivington Street
New York, NY 10002-2300
(212) 995-1960
(red velvet cake is to die for)