Which leads me to Baretta. Yes, the burrata pizza was good, and so was the squid ink risotto. But thats expected. Give me something unexpected....and in comes their desserts.

A spoonful of their house-made gelato ice cream seriously awakened my palette.
Left: Bonet-chocolate gelato with amaretti & caramel: Savored every bite (and I dislike chocolate). I couldnt grasp the beauty of almond flavors melding in with chocolate. We sat in silence appreciating this one.
Right: And then the panna gelato with extra virgin olive oil & sea salt was a little life altering. Polar opposites -- like vanilla ice cream and french fries.
Bi-rite Creamery has nothing on Baretta. But NY's Big Gay Ice Cream Truck may-- he does a killer vanilla with siracha sauce. He'll be back in May!